Local Information/Events

Photo of field of sweetcorn


Age Concern

0800 009966

Carers Helpline

0808 8087777


0800 111

Devon County Council

01392 382000

Environment Agency

0800 807060


0845 988118

Holsworthy Library

01409 253514

Holsworthy Medical Centre

01409 253692

NHS Direct

0845 46 47

Police (non-emergency)


Post Office Services

0845 7223344

Public Transport Traveline

0870 6082608

Torridge District Council

01237 428700

Photo of Butterfly Lane


There are 2 Defibrillators located in the Parish.  These are at:-

  • Horrelsford Garage and
  • Watkins Workshop, Holsworthy Beacon

In an emergency the actions you should take are:

  1. Dial 999 for the emergency services.
  2. Start CPR.
  3. Send someone for the Defibrillator - Make sure they have a phone with them.
  4. When by the Defibrillator - Dial 999 - Tell the emergency services where you are.
  5. They will give you a code to open the cabinet to retrieve the Defibrillator.
  6. Once back with the casualty the Defibrillator will tell you exactly what to do.


Bible Study - Mondays 7.30-9pm

Mobile Library:

Wednesdays - 4-weekly

Parish Council Meetings:
Monthly - 3rd Wednesday in every month 7.30pm in Milton Damerel Parish Hall

Methodist Morning Service:
2nd & 3rd Sundays 11am

Holy Trinity Church:
1st & 3rd Sunday of each month various times

Gardening Group, 3rd Monday in the month, March to December, at 7.30pm  (except September when we have a Garden Show). Watch for dates. 

£5 Annual Membership
£2 per Meeting
£3 Visitors

Diana Illingworth-Cook
07853 319250

Mrs Lesley Self
01409 261294


Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month (except January) - in Milton Damerel Parish Hall.  The meetings commence at 2:30pm.

Time for a friendly chat, a game of cards, bingo, speakers or other entertainment.  Tea and biscuits are served, no charge, but a bring and buy stall is held which helps towards refreshments and general funds.

During the summer months, there are day outings once a month at a reasonable charge.

In December there is a Christmas lunch, which is usually well attended and enjoyed.

There is an annual subscription of £4 per person.

If you are over 60 - male or female - why not come along - new members welcome

Rural Rights of Way (or Public Footpaths) in Milton Damerel 

In the early 1900’s there were around 25 rural footpaths throughout the Parish. Their purpose was not recreational use, but as a means of getting around the Parish in the days before the advent of the motor car, when the primary form of transport over short distances, at least, was by walking. Some of the tracks were also about moving produce such as millers’ tracks from farms to mills etc. Hence many of these paths ran from pockets of habitation to farms which were the major sources of employment at the time. They also went to churches, schools and shops, taking the most direct routes possible, in order to cut down on journey times. FP 1 probably originated to allow the vicar/rector to walk from the original rectory to the Church. In the 1950’s and 60’s when the car became ubiquitous and farming more mechanised and needing far fewer workers many of these footpaths fell into disuse and over the years have now been ‘lost’. Today, with people having more leisure time available, interest is being generated in rural footpaths for recreational walking, to enable them to get away from traffic and out into the peace and tranquillity of the countryside

There are 7 of these short footpaths remaining within our Parish, none of which is more than ½ mile (0.8 km) in length:

No. 1 Glovers Cottage to Worden Cross

No. 7 Whitebear Cross to Lower Walland Gate

No. 12 Gidcott Mill to Halsepark

No. 15 Whitebear Farm to Chapel View

No. 16 Whitebear Cottage to Holy Trinity Church the Methodist Chapel

No. 21 Waldon Farm via Heddon Farm to Sutcombe (1)

No. 24 Milton Mill via North Town to Butterfly Lane (2)

(1) The parish boundary is the River Waldon which is crossed by a footbridge and from there to Sutcombe it continues under a different footpath number.

(2) The first part of this path has recently been re-aligned and therefore does not follow the route marked on the various O/S maps.

The routes are marked on the Ordnance Survey maps which cover the Parish. Sheet 126 of the Explorer series (scale 1:25,000 or 2½ inches = 1 mile) and sheet 190 of the Landranger series (scale 1:50,000 or 1¼ inches = 1 mile). The Definitive Parish Map which is on display inside the Parish Hall shows the footpaths in more detail, as that has a scale of 1:10,000.

The County Rights of Way officer usually walks each path around every two years with a view to putting right any problems which might have developed. His last visit resulted in a replacement footbridge over Fishpool Lake plus two new stiles on footpath 16. If you do come across any problems whilst using any of these paths will you please contact a Parish Councillor or the Parish Clerk so that remedial action can be put in hand.

Rural Footpaths in Milton Damerel front cover

 Many of the Milton Damerel footpaths are across working farms with the possibility of the presence of sheep and cattle. It is recommended that dogs be kept under close control on a short lead. Please also remember that cattle, especially when with their young, perceive dogs, even small ones, as a threat and you should treat them with the utmost caution.





Click here to download a copy of the Rural Footpaths in Milton Damerel

Neighbourhood Watch
Neighbourhood Watch Logo

There are currently three Watch schemes operating in the Parish, having been re-established in the Spring of 2007. Most of the Parish is now covered, centred on the areas of Strawberry Bank, Gratton, Whitebear & Forestreet, Venn Green and most recently Gidcott. Holsworthy Beacon is currently without a coordinator to look after their hamlet. The scheme is overseen by the local policing team beat manager and we have a nominated PCSO who is our main day to day contact. We appreciate that many properties, especially the farms, are in isolated locations but never-the-less feel that households will benefit from the messages which the police and ourselves send out from time to time.

Whilst it would be nice to automatically enrol every household as a member, we are a self-funding organisation and members have therefore to elect to join the schemes and to comply with the Data Protection Act. The police are not able to provide financial assistance, but with the Home Office, who drive and monitor the schemes, provide information leaflets to go in the membership packs which are issued to all new members.

The aim of a watch scheme is “to increase the awareness of crime, without increasing the fear of crime”. Devon and Cornwall are amongst the safest places in the country to live, but unfortunately crime does still happen. The public plays a vital role in helping the police to reduce crime by providing valuable information and making it difficult for criminal activity to take place. In rural areas like Milton Damerel it is not usually local people that commit criminal activity but people from outside the area travelling in to commit their crimes. Therefore by noting details of unfamiliar vehicles seen parked and/or acting strangely in the area, these can be passed on to the police for further investigation.

For further information, or if you would like to join (there is no membership fee), please contact your local coordinator:

Strawberry Bank

Edwina Hale

01409 261263


Edgar Pett

01409 261277

Whitebear and Fore Street

Edgar Pett

01409 261277

Venn Green

Mike Jackson

01409 261196


We are also part of Torridge District Neighbourhood Watch.

Useful Telephone numbers and emails